Sunday, November 20, 2011

Rest In Peace Anthony Lee Franklin

On this day five years ago my life was forever changed. I lost a friend, a brother, a mentor, an inspiration. I gained a fire. Anthony Lee Franklin’s battle with cancer ended Monday, November 20th 2006. He had beat it into remission twice before, but he was finally given some time to rest. At the age of 22 he had touched more people with his warm heart and bright smile than most and he did nothing less than amazing with any and all opportunities that were presented to him. If you want to learn more about him google his name and be amazed at what he managed in his time here. 
As much as I hurt from this loss, and trust me it is the most painful thing I have ever been through and I still continue to go through it everyday, I will not let the impact that Lee has had on my life go in vain. I have spent most of this day crying and wondering why he had to be taken, going over all the times that I could have used his brotherly love over the last five years. Imagining hugging him one more time, hearing him say Diva and make fun of me just one more time. But as I sit here listening to Beyonce with my sore eyes and this large knot in my throat I was pushed back into reality. Watching and listening to Beyonce sing I was here made me remember this fire one more time. I will not let Lee’s footprints on the sand of time be washed away. I will live and succeed in his memory. I will make a difference in this world as he did. I will be remembered as he is. Losing him hurt but he touched my heart and I will take the light he gave me and touch as many hearts as I can in my time here. I will continue to tell his story because his light is so bright that even in death he makes a difference in people’s lives. I am holding on to this and I am taking this fire, this passion for good, for life. I will take the perspective that Lee’s death gave me and I will share it. I can’t say enough how much I miss him everyday, so I will show him through my actions that I still feel him holding my hand on this journey. 
On that Monday five years ago I stood at the foot of his bed, watching his lifeless body, as his grandfather/best friend said to my mother, “He loved that girl”. It is my mission to show him everyday “I love you too”.
I Love You

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